Finding Homes for Retired Racing Greyhounds

New set of dogs entering the Prison Program summer 2018

Thank you to Shirley and Patty from MSGAO for transporting these beautiful hounds to Nashville.

Second Group of Dogs entering the Prison Program:

Sue and Rob, Robin and Spark, Trey, Tosha and Kerby, Breanne and Woody

Rev post-graduation

Second Group of Prison Graduates:

Jonathan and Spark, Shirley and Woody,

Chelsea and Rob (Kerby already in foster home)

Congratulations to our first Prison Program "greyduates" of 2017: Omar, Cloud, Leaded, Anchor, Grady and Church.

Slim, Buster, Mac and Midway from Mid-South Greyhound Adoption Option entering our Prison Program July 2016.

RC post-graduation

January 14, 2017: We are pleased to welcome six retired racing greyhounds into the Prison Program. From l to r: Remi, Pinhook, Oxford, Puff, Hobbie and Percise 

First Group of Prison Graduates:

Mary and Lester, Connor and Dolly, Mary and Pluto

Third Group of Dogs entering the Prison Program:

Mary and Amigo, Becky and Magic, Joe and Lego,

Sharon and Mega

Please help to support the greyhounds in this wonderful program.

Your support will ensure the continuation of this program

and allow the expansion of this and future programs.

Music City Greyhound Adoption Prison Program

Our Prison Program began August 2015, when we placed several greyhounds

into the Metro-Davidson County Detention Facility, Nashville, Tennessee.

The greyhounds live in the facility and their assigned dog handlers care for them, which includes feeding, exercise, grooming, companionship and training. 

Linda Greg is our experienced dog trainer who works with the handlers and dogs

each week.

This program benefits both the dogs and their handlers and lasts ten weeks. Afterwards, the dogs move into foster homes and are available for adoption.

MCGA is very excited to be a part of this program and would like to thank

Corrections Corporation of America, the Metro-Davidson County Detention Facility

and Mid-South Greyhound Adoption Option for their involvement.

Unfortunately, our Prison Program ended with the onset of the pandemic in 2020. ​